ES6 Destructuring Assignment Syntax

Note: I am not an experienced React developer, it is my 2018 project to teach myself React and to blog as I do, so that I learn exactly what is happening and why (see this post for why). If there are any errors in this post or you believe there is a better way to do something please leave a comment and let me know 🙂

Warning: This article assumes you already understand dealing with objects in Javascript. See additional reading notes at the end of the article is you feel you need more information on these topics.

Something I realised I really needed to brush up on when I started to learn React was ES6 and more specifically ES6’s Destructuring Assignment Syntax.

Note: This is a pretty big topic so for this post I’m going to focus on destructuring objects and come back to destructuring arrays another day.

So what is Destructuring?

Destructuring is ES6’s super cool way for extracting data from Javascript objects and arrays and putting that data into their own variables. It uses much cleaner, DRYer syntax than that provided by ES5 and therefore is much more readable too.

For example, if we had an object that looks like this:

const Kirsty = {

   firstName: 'Kirsty',
   lastName: 'Burgoine',
   website: '',
   twitter: '@kirstyburgoine'



We can see the object outputted to our console:

Quick tip: When working with Objects and Arrays and you need to output them to console. Using console.table() instead of console.log() will output the Object into a neat little table that shows the index and the value. 🙂

We could the values for my first name and last name by creating new variables like this:

const firstName = Kirsty.firstName
const lastName = Kirsty.lastName 

console.log(firstName, lastName);

// outputs Kirsty Burgoine

That’s fine. It works and it is what I would have done using ES5 syntax. But.. using ES6’s Destructuring we could create two new variables with only one line of code like this:

const { firstName: first, lastName: last } = Kirsty

console.log(first, last);

// outputs Kirsty Burgoine

Yay! 🙂

What happened here?

In the original object, Kirsty, we can see that there are properties for firstName and lastName with values assigned to them. By calling them within curly braces we are using destructuring syntax to create an object pattern on the left of the equals sign. This object pattern is made up of the property names we wish to call and the new variable names we want to assign those values to.

Syntactical naming shortcuts

This still isn’t very DRY though, but, with destructuring syntax we can take this a step further. In this instance, the property names within our object are self explanatory, therefore we don’t need to create new names for them as variables and neither do we need to use something like firstName: firstName. Instead we can use Syntactical naming shortcuts to assign the value of a property to a variable of the same name. Our const would then look like this:

const { firstName, lastName } = Kirsty

Cool right? Ok, to be fair, while this is pretty cool, there are hundreds of tutorials on the internet that explain this, and using very similar examples too (I will link to some of the better ones I’ve found at the end of this post). What I want to show you is the bit that would have saved me loads of time had I understood destructuring properly.

Accessing Nested Data

If we go back to the original object from above but add some pets:

const Kirsty = { 

   firstName: 'Kirsty', 
   lastName: 'Burgoine',  
   website: '', 
   twitter: '@kirstyburgoine',
   pets: {
      current: {
         cats: 'Harry, Slinky & Blue',
         rabbits: 'Eddie & Gerty',
      lost: {
         cats: 'Neville'


We are now dealing with data that is nested more than one level deep. As in our earlier example, we could access the data by doing something like this:

const catsCurrent = Kirsty.pets.current.cats;
const catsLost = Kirsty.pets.lost.cats;

console.log(catsCurrent, catsLost);

// outputs Harry, Slinky & Blue Neville

Simple enough. But, it is a bit of phaff. We could also achieve the same with much simpler syntax using ES6’s destructuring syntax.

const { cats } = Kirsty.pets.current;

Here, all we have done differently is change the object from Kirsty to Kirsty.pets.current to show the path to the data we want to extract

Similarly if we wanted to get both sets of current pets we could do it like this:

const { cats, rabbits } = Kirsty.pets.current;

console.log(cats, rabbits);

// outputs Harry, Slinky & Blue Eddie & Gerty


There is a gotcha here though, notice that I also added lost.cats in my first example. I named the new variables catsCurrent and catsLost so that I knew which referred to what data.

By using ES6’s destructuring syntax and syntactical naming shortcuts I wouldn’t be able to do that in the same way because the code would look like this:

const { cats } = Kirsty.pets.current;
const { cats } = Kirsty.pets.lost;

And would therefore throw this error:

Instead, we could not use the naming shortcut and change it to this:

const { cats: catsCurrent } = Kirsty.pets.current;
const { cats: catsLost } = Kirsty.pets.lost;

console.log(catsCurrent, catsLost);

// outputs Harry, Slinky & Blue Neville

Which would get rid of the error, but it is still a bit ugly and not really any better than our original ES5 solution.

Instead we should go back to our object pattern within our curly braces and amend it to better reflect the structure of the data we want to deconstruct. To get all of the pets data from within the object we would do:

const { pets: { current, lost } } = Kirsty

console.log(current, lost);

Here, we’ve removed the path to the data we want from the object on the right of the equals sign. Then, by adding pets: and assigning a second pair of curly braces, we are defining current and lost as new variables by mirroring their position within the data (i.e. nested inside pets).

By always mirroring the data structure we can get data from any level of nesting. If we only wanted all of the cats names as above we would do it like this:

const { pets: { current: { cats: catsCurrent }, lost: { cats: catsLost } } } = Kirsty

console.log(catsCurrent, catsLost);

// outputs Harry Slinky & Blue Neville

Within the curly braces we are mirroring pets / current and pets / lost and then creating new variables from the cats property in each and renaming them as catsCurrent and catsLost.

Magic 🙂

So how would this have helped me learning React?

Going back to the example I used in the previous post, I have an object full of JSON data from the Github API.

Within this object is a number of nested objects and arrays that I would need to access.

Once I have iterated through the data and assigned keys to each row (see previous post) I can begin to access the data we need. For example to access the users data I would do the following:

const { details } = this.props;
// details is the githubData that has been passed down using props

 const { user } = details

Users properties (values excluded as this is live data)

This would give me a nice table of all the user data for each issue in the console.

Looking at the detail that is displayed about each user on the issues table in Github, I only need to display the login and avatar_url. I could write each in long hand in the JSX inside render()in my React App, like this:

// if we hadn't defined the user variable
// using the user variable

And repeat them each time I need to display them. This works but it is still a bit ugly, so lets make it DRYer like this:

const { user: { login, avatar_url } } = details

// Using JSX inside render()

More magic 🙂

Further Reading

I would also highly recommend the ES6 Video Tutorial from Wes Bos too. 🙂

Iterating through JSON data in React

Note: I am not an experienced React developer, it is my 2018 project to teach myself React and to blog as I do, so that I learn exactly what is happening and why (see this post for why). If there are any errors in this post or you believe there is a better way to do something please leave a comment and let me know 🙂

Warning: This article assumes you already understand dealing with arrays in Javascript and using API’s. See additional reading notes at the end of the article is you feel you need more information on these topics.

One of the things I’ve been struggling to get my head around in React is passing data down through components easily. When I talk about this, I don’t mean setting a single value in state and passing it down to the relevant component through props, I mean fetching data from a third party API, and looping through it to show results.

For example:

Looking at this endpoint from the Github API:
(I like to use Postman to view results from an API call rather than curl in the command line – It is an API development environment, so can be used for much more, but I like how it saves my history).

When we fetch this in React it returns an object full of JSON data that we then set as state (Fetching data from an API is an entire topic on its own, see further info at the bottom for an excellent video from Jack Franklin on how to do this). We can then pass this state down to our child component using props.

In App.js we would have:

<IssuesTable githubData={this.state.githubData}/>
// this.state.githubData being the JSON data we set as state

In our child component we would then receive the data as Props from within our render method.

In ChildComponent.js we would have:

class IssuesTable extends Component {
   render() {
      const { githubData } = this.props;
      return ();

* Note: const { githubData } = this.props;  is using the new ES6 destructuring syntax. See notes at the end for more information.

Our data, original saved as state, now passed as Props

If we take a look at the React panel in Chrome DevTools, we can see that our data is now being passed down to our child component as Props.

So far so good…

When we look at what is being passed down though, it becomes clear pretty quickly that in order to display this data in a tabular way, we are going to have to loop through and output each array item as a table row.

At this point you would be forgiven for thinking that you could loop through the data and output each row using either a for or foreach loop. But before we can do that we first have to assign keys to the data so that we could access it within our loop. To start with I thought this would be a simple case of using the .map() function to assign each row its own key. something similar to this:

{, i)=>(
   <li key={i}>

I kept hitting this error:

TypeError: is not a function

This is because, although Chrome Dev Tools lists the data in Props as an array, at the moment it is still an object containing JSON data (this took me quite a while to realise) and therefore the map function will not work yet.

Enter Object.keys()

What this does is, return an array of data where the elements keys are all strings that match the data within the JSON object. For example:

let user = {
   name: kirsty
   age: nevermind

Would be Object.keys(user) = [name, age].

Looking at the data in githubData, the Object.keys would be all of the items shown inside githubData[0] above.

So now we have access to the data, all that is left is to loop through it so that we can create a table of github issues. And to do that we would combine Object.keys() and .map() and pass the information we need to a new component via props like this:

{Object.keys(githubData).map(key => (
   <Issue key={key} details={githubData[key]} />

It looks like there is a lot going on here but if we break it down, we are first taking the Props githubData and creating keys that are strings matching the data within. For example keys would now include title, state, url etc.

The .map()function then creates a new array with these strings as the keys and then for each key that exists, loops through and assigns the key and value to the props key and details for use inside the <Issue /> child component.

We could then display the data inside the <Issue /> component like this:

class Issue extends Component {
   render() {
      // details is all the githubdata coming from the details prop above
      const { details } = this.props;

      return (

Magic! 🙂

Further Reading

Learning React

Each year, I make the decision to learn something new or extend my knowledge base on a specific subject related to the world of Web Development. In the past I’ve focussed on topics directly relating to WordPress, and looked at things like how to use the WordPress API or the WP Command Line Interface (CLI). But you may have noticed that I no longer work exclusively with WordPress anymore and so I fancied doing something completely different…

As the lead frontend developer at Fisheye, I felt it was important to stick with something related to frontend development. And, knowing that my Javascript skills (of which I’ve never had that many of to start with) are extremely rusty now that I have the luxury of a javascript team I can pass these tasks to, I decided to jump into the deep end and learn React.

I started off by purchasing the React for Beginners course, from the awesome Wes Bos, and worked my way through that over the Christmas break. Once I had completed that, I decided to turn my hand to building my own project.

I’m not going to lie, this challenge turned out to be really hard. I realised that my javascript skills were more than a bit rusty. In the time I’d taken my eye off the ball to build a SASS style guide and combined pattern library at work, ES6 had been released and the whole world of Javascript had changed!

And that is what this new Javascript section of my site is for. I’ve always found I learn more when I blog or talk about a subject, because it forces me to make sure that I fully understand what something is doing and why it is doing it. Therefore, as I work through React and also the surrounding Javascript principles I aim to post short, regular articles showing the things I’ve learnt as I go. Some posts will cover what seems like basic or obvious techniques (I did say my JS is rusty, in some instances I really am going back to basics), others will seem more advanced and (hopefully) execute complex tasks.

Either way, I hope you find them as useful as I do writing them, and if you see something and think it could be achieved in a better way, then please do leave a comment and let me know! 🙂